In addition to the ability to create face zones in the volume mesh from STL or NASTRAN surfaces, iconCFD Mesh is now capable of splitting up face zones into two-sided internal patches enabling the user to create baffles of the following types:
– Face zones (a one-sided set of internal faces)
– Internal coupled cyclic patches which can be used for internal jump boundary conditions
– Two zero-thickness uncoupled patches, allowing separate boundary conditions on each side
Surface normals of different baffle types (left: face zone; centre: internal cyclic patch; right: two patches)
As part of the development advanced methods for snapping and creating surface layers were introduced to iconCFD Mesh.
– Feature line snapping is now also enabled for face zones and other baffle types.
– Boundary layers do not collapse when intersecting face zones any more. Now the mesher grows the layers up the baffles (even if they are curved) and assigns the appropriate side faces to the baffle patch.
– Layer growth up non-planar surfaces has been implemented as well as an advanced treatment for layers growing up concave corners. Both these features also increase the quality of the boundary layers growing up inlet, outlet and symmetry patches.
Boundary layers (left: collapsing when intersecting face zones; centre: growing up baffles; right: growing up surfaces in concave corners)
Automatic meshing of baffle surfaces was implemented in iconCFD Mesh for the purpose of increasing the flexibility of face zone usage, directly creating internal jump and cyclic boundaries as well as zero thickness walls with each side on a separate patch, while increasing mesh quality and surface layer coverage.
Example application of internal cyclic patch: STL geometry and volume mesh of a simplified car cabin geometry with internal jump boundary (marked red)
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