In addition to the functionalities for species transport presented in the last iconCFD News Cast, new solvers and models for Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) are introduced in iconCFD 2.1.1.
Two transient solvers for the transport of kinematic particles in a pre-calculated steady-state flow field are available:
– uncoupledKinematicParcelFoam: compatible with compressible flow solvers (e.g.: rhoSimpleFoam)
– incompressibleUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam: compatible with incompressible flow solvers (e.g.: simplePorousFoam)
In both solvers the particles can be grouped together in parcels, in order to reduce the computational effort. These are injected into the simulation domain at patches, single points or point clouds. Parcels are defined by specifying the particle density, diameter distribution, release velocity, release rate and the weight or number of particles per parcel.

Set-up of Lagrangian Particle sources as line, plane and box in iconCFD GUI
The user can define how the particles react when they hit specific wall patches. They can bounce back, disappear or remain at their position on the wall. The user can also choose which forces are applied to the particles (gravity, pressure, virtual mass forces) and whether or not a stochastic dispersion is calculated using information from the pre-calculated turbulence fields.
All particle related settings are specified in the kinematicCloudProperties dictionary which contains information about:
– Physical properties of particles
– Particle injection
– Particle-wall interaction
– Modelled forces on particles
– Discretisation schemes for the LPT equations
– Dissipation Model

Click here to watch video about LPT functionality in iconCFD
The solvers output various volume fields (e.g.: particle number, concentration, mass, and velocity in each cell) and Lagrangian fields (e.g.: position and mean particle velocity vector, diameter, density of each parcel). For further post-processing the utility particleTracks can be used to create track lines in VTK format from the transient particle position results.
The iconCFD GUI is fully capable of writing the kinematicCloudProperties dictionary and setting up LPT simulations with uncoupledKinematicParcelFoam and incompressibleUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam.

Click here to watch video of rain drops impacting on a moving car simulated with LPT in iconCFD
iconCFD 2.1.1 will soon be available. You will be informed in a separate email.
For further information please follow this link to contact us.