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Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- ICON attended SAE International’s WCX 2024 in Detroit
- iconCFD® V5 – the new major release version of iconCFD® is now available!
- 2024 NVIDIA GTC AI Conference
- Space- Comm Expo 2024
- ICON is presenting at the 2023 IDAJ Symposium Online
- ICON is presenting at the ATIC China Symposium 2023
- iconCFD® – unlimited water management simulations!
- JS2R-RH2 CFD Simulation
- iconPlatform Introduction Video
- ICON participates in the Morphemic – Proactive Cloud hackathlon in Warsaw
- ICON is presenting iconPlatform at the Hannover Messe
- Reusable Launcher simulation with iconCFD®
- iconPlatform External Aerodynamics App Vehicle Simulation
- Do You Want To Participate, Compete … or Win?
- Application of iconCFD® products in the development of SkyVibration’s e-wings
- External aerodynamics simulation of a Race car for kids with iconPlatform
- F1 2022 New Generation Cars – More Overtaking – More Excitement!
- External Aerodynamics Vehicle Simulation
- Introduction to iconPlatform
- Automotive External Aerodynamics CFD and Testing
- 汽车外部空气动力学 CFD 和测试
- Rocket Simulation
- Vehicle Water Management
- Ride Height Tool
- Sports
- Front End Air Flow & Underhood Thermal Management 02
- External Aerodynamics
- Built Environment
- Moving Geometry 02
- Urban Fluid Mechanics
- Urban Fluid Mechanics
- Rotating Machinery
- Rotating Machinery
- Automotive Climatisation
- Manufacturing Processes & Consumer Products
- Automotive Aero-Acoustics
- Automotive Aero-Acoustics
- Aerospace Aero-Acoustics
- Aerospace Aero-Acoustics
- Aerospace Aero-Acoustics
- Aerospace Climatisation
- Aerospace Climatisation
- External Aerodynamics F1
- Category: Careers
- Aerospace CFD Consultant
- Careers form
- CFD Model Preparation Specialist
- UI Developer for Automotive Simulation (Qt, VTK, Python)
- Simulation System Performance Engineer (Automotive Industry)
- CFD Simulation Methods and Tools Developer
- Aerospace CFD Consulting Engineer – Toulouse, France
- Consulting CFD Engineer – NC, US
- Consulting CFD Engineer – Paris Area
- Beratender CFD-Ingenieur – Raum Paris
- Front-end (or Full-Stack) Web Developer for 3D Scientific Applications
- Front-End- (oder Full-Stack-) Webentwickler für wissenschaftliche 3D-Anwendungen
- Category: Events
- ICON participates in the FT Live Future of the Car Summit in London
- ICON is participating in the SAE World Congress Experience (WCX)
- The IDAJ Conference Online 2022
- Die IDAJ-Konferenz Online 2021
- Horizon Cloud Summit 2021
- Die IDAJ-Konferenz Online 2020
- The IDAJ Conference Online 2021
- Horizon Cloud Summit 2021
- The IDAJ Conference Online 2020
- iconCFD Conference, China 2018
- ICON sponsors this year’s stage set at the 8th MIRA International Vehicle Aerodynamics Conference.
- Category: News
- ICON is presenting at the IDAJ Conference Online 2022
- ICON und FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS kündigen Zusammenarbeit an
- ICON und IDAJ gehen eine globale Partnerschaft und strategische Vertriebsvereinbarung ein, um den fernöstlichen Markt zu bedienen
- iconCFD News Cast – 04/2012 – Adjoint-Optimierung in iconCFD I/II
- Dacolt und ICON bieten gemeinsam Schulungskurse in Verbrennungsmodellierung mit OpenFOAM ® -Technologie an
- Icon-Vertriebspartnerschaften erforderlich, um auf dem US-CFD-Markt tätig zu sein
- iconCFD News Cast – 03/2012 – Lagrangesche Partikelverfolgung in icon FOAMpro
- Koenigsegg erwirbt iconCFD Process und wählt ICON zu seinem exklusiven technischen CFD-Partner
- Die britische Verteidigungsbehörde Dstl erwirbt ICON FOAMpro CFD-Fähigkeit für militärische und zivile Bedrohungsmodellierung
- iconCFD News Cast – 02/2012 – Artentransport in iconCFD und der iconCFD GUI
- iconCFD News Cast – 01/2012 – Unterstützung für Leitbleche in iconCFD Mesh
- ICON geht strategische Vertriebspartnerschaft mit Phitec Ingegneria in Italien ein
- ICON new website and corporate branding
- ICON is presenting at the IDAJ Conference Online 2021
- ICON is presenting at the Horizon Cloud Summit 2021 in Frankfurt
- ICON contributed to the 2nd Automotive CFD Prediction Workshop
- ICON 为第二届汽车 CFD 预测研讨会做出贡献
- ICONは第2回自動車CFD予測ワークショップに貢献しました
- Automotive Brake Cooling CFD Simulation
- Automotive Brake Cooling CFD-Simulation
- ICON is attending in the Future of the Car
- ICON Digital Wind Tunnel helped Praga R1 achieve higher performance
- ICON announces the Release of iconCFD® v4.2
- ICON participates in the MORPHEMIC – Proactive Cloud EU Project
- ICON at the 21st Stuttgart International Symposium Automotive and Engine Technology
- iconCFD Conference Day at the IDAJ CAE Solutions Conference 2020
- Celebrating WorldSpaceWeek, ICON unveils a special offer for the Aerospace industry
- ICON’s new and existing Automotive Thermal clients can benefit from this Special Offer to reduce their CFD costs
- An Extraordinary Offer to help new and existing Automotive External Aerodynamics clients reduce their CFD costs
- Automotive Aerodynamics & Thermal Management – International Forum 2020
- ICON presents the latest features of the iconCFD® Transonic module
- iconCFD Conference, Japan 2019
- iconCFD Conference, China 2019
- iconCFD Conference, Korea 2019
- iconCFD Conference, Korea 2018
- iconCFD Conference, Japan 2018
- iconCFD Conference, China 2017
- iconCFD Conference, Japan 2017
- Visit the ICON and Koenigsegg pavilion at the Hannover Messe
- Koenigsegg and ICON present the world’s first production megacar at Hannover Messe
- iconCFD Conference, China 2015
- iconCFD Conference, Japan 2015
- iconCFD Conference, Japan 2014
- ICON introduces iconPlatform at iconCFD Conferences in Japan and China
- iconCFD Conference, China 2014
- ICON presents the latest developments in iconPlatform
- ICON and FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS announce collaboration
- ICON is Invited Key Speaker at the upcoming HPC-Wales “Supercharge 2013”
- Koenigsegg Acquires iconCFD Process and Selects ICON as its Exclusive CFD Technical Partner
- IDAJ Co., Ltd. Acquires a Controlling Stake in ICON Technology & Process Consulting Ltd.
- ICON Appoint New VP of Sales for North-East and Mid-West Region
- ICON And IDAJ Enter Into A Global Partnership And Strategic Distribution Agreement To Serve The Far East Market
- Preliminary Agenda Announced for Open Source CFD International Conference 2012
- UK Defence Agency, Dstl acquires ICON FOAMpro CFD capability for Military and Civil Threat Modelling
- ICON and Aircraft Research Association (ARA) enter into a strategic partnership to serve the Global Aerospace Industry
- ICON reaction to ESI® acquisition of OpenCFD® Limited and OpenFOAM® Trademark
- iconCFD News Cast – 04/2012 – Adjoint Optimization in iconCFD I/II
- iconCFD News Cast – 03/2012 – Lagrangian Particle Tracking in icon FOAMpro
- iconCFD News Cast – 02/2012 – Species Transport in iconCFD and the iconCFD GUI
- DATE CHANGES for Open Source CFD International Conference – Monday 29th October and Tuesday 30th October 2012
- ICON enters strategic Sales Partnership with Dacolt in the Benelux
- Dacolt and ICON jointly propose training courses in Combustion Modelling using OpenFOAM® technology
- iconCFD News Cast – 01/2012 – Support for baffles in iconCFD Mesh
- ICON organizes 6th Open Source CFD International Conference in London, UK
- Open Source CFD International Conference 2011 – Another Great Success!
- Introductory Programming Training based on OpenFOAM® technology in Maastricht
- SGI to present at Open Source CFD International Conference 2011
- Icon Sales Partnerships Required to Operate in US CFD Market
- ICON reaction to SGI® acquisition of OpenCFD® and SGI® OpenFOAM® fee-based offering*
- ICON enters strategic Sales Partnership with Phitec Ingegneria in Italy
- Icon Releases ICON FOAMpro 2.0 – A Comprehensive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) supported process for industry based on open source solver technology
- ICON CFD Seminar Series returns to Germany and Austria with new topic – ICON FOAMpro 2.0
- ICON organizes 5th Open Source CFD International Conference in Paris-Chantilly, France
- ICON introduces the ICON CFD Seminar Series – Answering Industry Questions on Open Source CFD
- New website goes live
- ICON organizes 4th Open Source CFD International Conference in Munich, Germany
- ICON introduces its new FOAMpro CFD service to the market
- ICON holds 3rd Open Source CFD International Conference in Barcelona, Spain
- ICON Technology & Process Consulting LLC founded in Cincinnati, USA
- Volkswagen Group adopts new Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) Process Developed with ICON
- 2nd Open Source CFD International Conference in Berlin another great success
- Icon participates at BEinGRID Industry Days
- ICON Computer Graphics founded in Barcelona, Spain
- ICON organizes OpenFOAM International Conference in London, UK
- ICON celebrates 15 years of profitable growth
- ICON celebrates 10 years consultation to Airbus
- ICON presents technical paper on Automatic Optimisation of Aerodynamic Designs at 6th MIRA International Vehicle Aerodynamics Conference.
- ICON develops a complete-cabin CFD simulation process for Airbus
- ICON Technology & Process Consulting GmbH founded in Berlin, Germany
- ICON provides modeFRONTIER support to Esteco UK
- First work delivered to customers in United States
- ICON introduces Automatic optimisation techniques into CFD processes
- ICON establishes permanent base in Hamburg, Germany
- ICON celebrates 10 years of profitable growth
- Steficon S.A. founded in Athens, Greece
- ICON S.A. founded in Athens, Greece
- ICON expands into non-automotive applications (bio-medical, power generation)
- ICON expands to provide specialist services to the aerospace sector
- Web/Multimedia business unit setup to support the growing demand for services in the engineering and wider business community
- ICON provides internal combustion engine CFD consultancy services to the automotive industry
- ICON CG Ltd (Private) Limited company founded in UK. Independent spin-off company applying CFD research performed at Imperial College, London
- Category: Protected
- Protected: 2024-11 ICON Technical Update
- Protected: 2024 ICON WLTP
- Protected: 2024 ICON Water Management
- Protected: 2024 ICON Profile
- Protected: Growth Equity for B2B SaaS
- Protected: iconCFD® Mesh 50X
- Protected: iconCFD® Solvers Suite
- Protected: ICON SaaS T&Cs
- Protected: ICON Product T&Cs
- Protected: 2024 ICON Profile – Automobili Pininfarina
- Protected: Simulating Cavitation Effects in High Performance Piston Pumps with iconCFD©
- Category: Publications
- Efficient CFD methods for assessment of water management
- The GTU – A New Realistic Generic Pickup Truck and SUV Model
- iconCFD® Conference Day @ ICSC 2019
- Application of iconCFD® on Urban flow Environments: Hugo Boss Retail Store Study
- iconCFD® Transonic: A New Toolset for the Aerospace Industry
- iconCFD® Platform Cloud ready Apps for CAE/CFD Applications
- From CAD to CFD with iconCFD
- iconCFD® Optimize: From validation to industrial application
- iconCFD analysis to evaluate performance improvements of fan and cleaning system in a combine harvester
- iconCFD® Conference Day @ ICSC 2018
- A posteriori Reynold’s stress fitting for mean flow adjoint shape optimization
- iconCFD® Transonic: A new Toolset for the Aerospace Industry
- iconCFD®: High Performance Car Design
- Industrial Application of an Advanced Elliptic- Blending Turbulence Model for Wheels Aerodynamics Analysis
- Combined Drag and Cooling Optimization of a Car Vehicle with an Adjoint-Based Approach
- A Novel Brake Cooling Simulation Capability
- Rapid Cloud Deployment of CFD-based Processes
- iconCFD® v4.0 New Features
- An Extensive Validation of an Open Source Based Solution for Automobile External Aerodynamics
- Meshing & Wrapping, performance and ease-of-use
- iconCFD® MultiCase – The Industry Process for Automotive Aerodynamics
- iconCFD® – New & Future Features
- Adjoint-Driven Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Based on a Combination of Steady State and Transient Flow Solutions
- An Integrated Framework for Wrapping and Mesh Generation of Complex Geometries
- Investigation of a Modern and Hybrid Turbulence Modelling Approach for Transient Automotive Aerodynamic Simulations
- Gap Tolerant Meshing in iconHexMesh
- Dynamic Hexahedral Remeshing and Flow Solving
- A Generic App GUI for OpenFOAM® and Variants
- Aerodynamics Aeroacoustics Development at Audi
- Aerodynamics Aeroacoustics Development at Audi
- Multi-Objective Adjoint Optimization with Open Source CFD Solver
- iconCFD® MultiCase – Advanced Automation and Customisation
- Cloud Based CFD, ICON’s Vision
- Implementation of a Moving Immersed Boundary Method on a Dynamic Refining Mesh with Automatic Load Balancing
- Challenging the Barriers to Entry for SMEs
- Cloud-based Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation
- A Review of iconCFD® Current and Upcoming Features
- Parametric Adjoint Optimization: Using Adjoint Sensitivities to Quantify the Effect of Design Variables in a Parametric CFD Model
- Performance Evaluation of Exisiting and New VoF Simulation Techniques: Solving, Interface Treatment and Dynamic Meshes
- Shape Optimization of a High Performance Vehicle for Drag Coefficient Reduction
- Design Studies and Optimisation of Functional Surfaces utilizing Open Source CFD
- iconCFD3.0 A Modular Approach to Supporting Business with CFD
- Towards an Efficient Distributed Geometry for Parallel Mesh Generation
- Hypercar Development in Hyperspeed
- Producing Generic Advice on Indoor Dispersion Using Automated CFD Processing
- Propulsion CFD Analysis in Denso using iconCFD
- Sophisticated Simulation of Device Development and Transition to Open Source Software
- Present Status and Future on Large-Scale CFD in Nissan
- Transient Blower Fan Noise Analysis with iconCFD
- Vehicle Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics Development Using Open Source CFD
- Localised Adjoint Optimisation – Better and Faster CFD-Driven Design
- Adjoint Solver Advances, Tailored to Automotive Applications
- Pore Scale Evaluation of Polymers Displacing Viscous Oil: Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Micromodel Experiments
- Detailed Simulation Study and Subject Testing of Individualised Aircraft Cabin Suites Environment
- Benchmarking of an Open Source CFD Process for Aerodynamics Prediction of Multiple Vehicle Types
- In-Memory co-processing of parallelized transient simulations
- Simulation of Displacement Efficiency in Micromodels
- Industrial Optimisation Solutions based on OpenFOAM Technology
- Validation of Open Source CFD Methods used for Race Cars
- Open Source CFD in Practice – A Path to Industrial Scale Application
- Application of Detached-Eddy Simulation for Automotive Aerodynamics Development
- Application of OpenFOAM® for Automotive Aerodynamics Development
- Efficient Simulation of Built Environments using Open Source CFD Applications
- Predicting and Improving the Performance of a Bagless Vacuum Cleaner using CFD
- Computational Fluid Dynamics and Virtual Design
- Aerodynamic Simulations using Vertically Integrated Open Source Solutions
- Automatic Optimisation of Automotive Design using Mesh Morphing and CFD
- Robust Design Optimisation of a Cooling Duct using CFD
- MOGA-II for an Automotive Cooling Duct Optimisation on Distributed Resources
- CFD Simulation of Vehicle Soiling
- Fast Robust Design Optimisation of an Underhood Cooling Duct
- Automatic Optimisation of Automotive Design using Mesh Morphing and CFD
- Automatic Optimisation of Aircraft Ventilation System Components with CFD
- Implementation of a Continuous Adjoint for Topology Optimisation of Ducted Flows
- CFD Simulation of Icing for Internal Flows in Aircraft
- MIRA Vehicle Soiling Simulations
- Introduction to Automatic Optimisation of Industrial Designs
- Automatic Optimisation of CFD Engineered Designs
- Automatic Optimisation of Aerodynamic Design using CFD-based Methods
- Vehicle Soiling Simulations
- Automatic Optimisation of Aerodynamic Design using CFD-based Methods
- Fast Robust Design Optimisation of a Cooling Duct
- The Optimisation and Robust Design of Structures
- Application of Harpoon and EnSight for Industrial CFD Simulations
- Fast Robust Design Optimisation of a Cooling Duct
- Fast Robust Design Optimisation of a Cooling Duct
- Category: Uncategorized
- Protected: Advanced CHT Simulations for Brake Disk Cooling Application using iconCFD©
- Protected: Robust and Faster Soiling Simulations with Rotating Wheels using iconCFD
- Protected: Advanced CFD Setup with DoE using iconCFD Process
- Protected: Simulating Cavitation Effects in High Performance Piston Pumps with iconCFD
- Protected: Launch Vehicle Simulations using the Faster & Improved Density-Based Coupled Solver in iconCFD ® V5
- Protected: Real-time Visualization and On-the-fly Post-processing in iconCFD
- Protected: Advanced CHT Simulations for Brake Disc Cooling Applications Using iconCFD
- Protected: 2023 ICON Introduction – Aerospace Applications
- Protected: 2023 ICON Introduction – Aerospace Applications – extended
- Protected: 2023 ICON Introduction – RTI
- Protected: 2022 ICON iconCFD® Technical Roadmap
- Protected: Advancements in Flow Physics Modelling for Vehicle Soiling Applications Using iconCFD®
- Protected: A More Intuitive Graphical Interface in iconCFD®
- Protected: Introducing iconSeamlessSolve : A unified pressure-based solver with revised numerics
- Protected: Full-Layer Meshing with Cut-Cell Meshing in iconCFD® V5
- Protected: iconCFD® HiSPAC : A Faster and Improved Density-Based Coupled Solver in iconCFD® V5
- Protected: Advanced CHT Simulations for Brake Disc Cooling Applications Using iconCFD
- Protected: Validation of Two-Layer RKE and Hybrid KOSST Turbulence Models in iconCFD with Experiment
- Protected: A New, Conservative, 1-to-1 AMI Interface And Automated AMI Creation Tool in iconCFD
- Protected: Flyer downloads
- Protected: An Extensive Validation of an Open Source Based Solution for Automobile External Aerodynamics
- Protected: 2021-03-30-FKFS2021-ICON-Paper-Water-Management
- Protected: Präsentation des ICON-Profils
- Nouveau site Web et image de marque de l’entreprise
- ICONの新しいウェブサイトとコーポレートブランディング
- ICON 新网站和企业品牌
- Protected: IDAJ Conference Online ICON Meshing Presentation
- Protected: iconPlatform – Private/Public Cloud
- Protected: ICON Profile Presentation
- ICONはIDAJConferenceOnline2021で発表しています
- ICON 出席 2021 年 IDAJ 在线会议
- ICONは、フランクフルトで開催されるHorizon CloudSummit2021でプレゼンテーションを行います。
- ICON 出席在法兰克福举行的 Horizon Cloud 2021 峰会
- 自動車用ブレーキ冷却CFDシミュレーション
- 汽车制动冷却 CFD 仿真
- ICON 参加“汽车的未来”
- ICONはFutureoftheCarに参加しています
- ICON 数字风洞助力 Praga R1 实现更高性能
- ICONデジタル風洞はPragaR1がより高いパフォーマンスを達成するのを助けました
- ICON 宣布发布 iconCFD® v4.2
- ICON 参与 MORPHEMIC – Proactive Cloud EU 项目
- ICONはMORPHEMIC-プロアクティブクラウドEUプロジェクトに参加しています
- ICON participe au projet MORPHEMIC – Proactive Cloud EU
- 第21回シュトゥットガルト国際シンポジウム自動車およびエンジン技術のアイコン
- ICON在第21届斯图加特国际研讨会汽车和发动机技术
- 個別の航空機キャビンスイート環境の詳細なシミュレーション研究と被験者テスト
- 个性化机舱套间环境的详细仿真研究和主题测试
- Étude de simulation détaillée et essai sur le sujet de l’environnement individualisé des suites de cabine d’avion
- Analyse comparative d’un processus CFD open source pour la prédiction aérodynamique de plusieurs types de véhicules
- 用于多种车辆类型的空气动力学预测的开源 CFD 过程的基准测试
- 複数の車両タイプの空力予測のためのオープンソースCFDプロセスのベンチマーク
- Co-traitement en mémoire de simulations transitoires parallélisées
- 並列化された過渡シミュレーションのインメモリコプロセッシング
- 并行瞬态仿真的内存协同处理
- 微模型中位移效率的模拟
- Simulation de l’efficacité de déplacement dans les micromodèles
- マイクロモデルにおける変位効率のシミュレーション
- 基于 OpenFOAM 技术的工业优化解决方案
- Solutions d’optimisation industrielle basées sur la technologie OpenFOAM
- OpenFOAMテクノロジーに基づく産業最適化ソリューション
- 验证用于赛车的开源 CFD 方法
- Validation des méthodes CFD Open Source utilisées pour les voitures de course
- レースカーに使用されるオープンソースCFD手法の検証
- 実際のオープンソースCFD-産業規模のアプリケーションへの道
- 实践中的开源 CFD – 工业规模应用的途径
- CFD Open Source en pratique – Une voie vers une application à l’échelle industrielle
- 分离涡模拟在汽车空气动力学开发中的应用
- Application de la simulation à tourbillons détachés pour le développement de l’aérodynamique automobile
- 自動車の空気力学開発のためのデタッチドエディシミュレーションの適用
- OpenFOAM ®在汽车空气动力学开发中的应用
- Application d’OpenFOAM ® pour le développement de l’aérodynamique automobile
- 自動車の空気力学開発へのOpenFOAM®の適用
- Simulation efficace des environnements bâtis à l’aide d’applications CFD Open Source
- オープンソースCFDアプリケーションを使用した構築環境の効率的なシミュレーション
- 使用开源 CFD 应用程序对建筑环境进行高效仿真
- 使用 CFD 预测和改进无袋真空吸尘器的性能
- Prédire et améliorer les performances d’un aspirateur sans sac à l’aide de la CFD
- CFDを使用したバッグレス掃除機の性能の予測と改善
- Dynamique des fluides computationnelle et conception virtuelle
- 数値流体力学と仮想設計
- 计算流体动力学和虚拟设计
- 使用垂直集成开源解决方案的空气动力学模拟
- Simulations aérodynamiques à l’aide de solutions open source intégrées verticalement
- 垂直統合されたオープンソースソリューションを使用した空力シミュレーション
- 使用网格变形和 CFD 自动优化汽车设计
- Optimisation automatique de la conception automobile à l’aide de Mesh Morphing et CFD
- メッシュモーフィングとCFDを使用した自動車デザインの自動最適化
- CFDを使用した冷却ダクトのロバストな設計最適化
- MOGA-II 用于分布式资源上的汽车冷却管道优化
- MOGA-II pour une optimisation des conduites de refroidissement automobile sur les ressources distribuées
- 使用 CFD 对冷却管道进行稳健设计优化
- 分散リソースの自動車用冷却ダクト最適化のためのMOGA-II
- 车辆污染的 CFD 模拟
- Simulation CFD de l’encrassement des véhicules
- 車両の汚れのCFDシミュレーション
- 发动机罩下冷却管道的快速稳健设计优化
- Optimisation automatique de la conception automobile à l’aide de Mesh Morphing et CFD
- メッシュモーフィングとCFDを使用した自動車デザインの自動最適化
- 使用 CFD 自动优化飞机通风系统组件
- Optimisation automatique des composants du système de ventilation des avions avec CFD
- CFDによる航空機換気システムコンポーネントの自動最適化
- ダクト流のトポロジー最適化のための連続随伴の実装
- 用于管道流拓扑优化的连续伴随的实现
- Implémentation d’un Adjoint Continu pour l’Optimisation de la Topologie des Flux Canalisés
- 飞机内部流动结冰的 CFD 模拟
- Simulation CFD du givrage pour les écoulements internes dans les aéronefs
- 航空機の内部流れの着氷のCFDシミュレーション
- MIRA 车辆污染模拟
- Simulations de salissures de véhicules MIRA
- MIRA車両汚染シミュレーション
- 工业设计自动优化简介
- Introduction à l’optimisation automatique des dessins et modèles industriels
- 工業デザインの自動最適化の概要
- CFD 工程设计的自动优化
- Optimisation automatique des conceptions techniques CFD
- CFD工学設計の自動最適化
- 使用基于 CFD 的方法自动优化空气动力学设计
- Optimisation automatique de la conception aérodynamique à l’aide de méthodes basées sur CFD
- CFDベースの方法を使用した空力設計の自動最適化
- Simulations de salissures de véhicules
- 車両の汚れのシミュレーション
- 车辆污染模拟
- 使用基于 CFD 的方法自动优化空气动力学设计
- Optimisation automatique de la conception aérodynamique à l’aide de méthodes basées sur CFD
- CFDベースの方法を使用した空力設計の自動最適化
- 冷却ダクトの高速ロバスト設計最適化
- 冷却管道的快速稳健设计优化
- Optimisation rapide et robuste de la conception d’un conduit de refroidissement
- 结构的优化与稳健设计
- L’optimisation et la conception robuste des structures
- 構造の最適化とロバストな設計
- Harpoon 和 EnSight 在工业 CFD 仿真中的应用
- Application de Harpoon et EnSight pour les simulations CFD industrielles
- 産業用CFDシミュレーションへのHarpoonとEnSightの適用
- Optimisation rapide et robuste de la conception d’un conduit de refroidissement
- 冷却ダクトの高速ロバスト設計最適化
- 冷却管道的快速稳健设计优化
- Optimisation rapide et robuste de la conception d’un conduit de refroidissement
- 冷却ダクトの高速ロバスト設計最適化
- 冷却管道的快速稳健设计优化
- Category: Video
- CFD in the Food Industry
- Formula Student (Formula SAE)
- Consumer Products
- Outdoor Dispersion
- Urban Fluid Mechanics
- Building Ventilation Analysis
- Icing Simulation
- Aero-acoustics
- Climatisation
- External aerodynamics
- Aero-Acoustics Automotive CFD
- Vehicle Wading and Fording CFD
- Vehicle Water Management and Soiling CFD
- Automotive Climatisation CFD
- Automotive Brake Cooling CFD Simulation
- CFD in Thermal Management
- Aerodynamics